Saturday, August 22, 2009

August 30th

Working the week: Lisa and Harvey, Kevin, Chandra & Melissa (Christy & Morris's off this week)

I hope to have a new series ready to go based on "Believe it or Not" concept.
I want to have power point games for each week, Bible stories that show God's awesome unbelievable power, and guest or students that will feature strange human tricks.

Human tricks. Anybody got one???

August 23rd

Working this week: Tim, Rhonda, Christy, Melissa, Kevin & Chandra (Lisa & Harvey off)

Main Idea: God sent 10 plagues to show that He was the one true God

Lesson: We will cover the last 3 plagues today. The 8th: Locust during our time travel to visit Merlin. The 9th: Darkness- Visiting a room of extreme darkness in small groups The 10th: Death of the 1st Born - Watching clip from Prince of Egypt movie.

During the Darkness lesson groups will rotate working on coloring station for all 10 plagues, the dark room station, and a crossword puzzle game station, in order to keep kids in very small groups.

Worship: Pharoah Pharoah- On computer, Jesus in My Life - Hillsong, God of this City - On computer

We will review all ten plagues at the service end with a video review from online source. (We hope)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

July 26th

Working this week: Kevin, Chandra, Christy, Melissa, Lisa & Harvey

Main idea: God will supply all of our needs.

Lesson: Manna and quail from heaven

Worship: Jesus in My Life (Hillsong) Pharoah Pharoah ( DVD computer) Get UP and Dance (Hillsong)

Memory Verse: Nothing is impossible for God. Luke 1:37

We will be time traveling for week 3. This week the 3rd plague is that of gnats, or flies and lice. We will meet up with Merlin for this part of the lesson. The wilderness lesson will be the one of manna and quail from heaven. FYI: We will open with frog launch outside if the kids want to play. We will not serve donuts until we time travel this week. They will be eaten off of the floor during our wilderness lesson.

Friday, July 17, 2009

July 19th

Working this week: Chandra, Kevin, Christy, Rhonda, Tim, Melissa

Today's Theme: Water - we have to have it to live, and God supplied it for the Israeli people time and time again.

Main Idea: God is faithful to always meet our needs. And, there is no power like our God's.

Lesson: Bitter water at Marah, Water from the rock at Rephidim, 2nd Plague: Frogs

Game: Water games outside

Memory Verse: Nothing is impossible for God. Luke 1:37

Worship: God of This City, All Things are Possible, & Pharoah Pharoah

We will time travel to Egypt first and meet up with Merlin (Kevin) to cover the 2nd plague. Next we will continue out to the wilderness in our time travel and move around to stations to learn the rest of the lessons. The groups will be divided by ages. The stations will be: Rhonda's - explaining the miracle at Marah of changing the bitter water to good. Christy's - explaining the miracle at Rephidim, when Moses struck the rock and there was enough water that flowed to feed an entire nation and its livestock, and Chandra's - viewing the map of the Israelites journey through the wilderness and adding stickers to commemorate what we've learned in weeks 1 & 2

Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 12th

Working This Week: Chandra, Kevin, Christy, Lisa, Harvey, & Melissa

Main Idea: God is faithful to always meet our needs. And, there is no power like our God's.

Lesson: The Crossing of the Red Sea and the 1st plague: water turned into blood.
Chandra and Christy

Worship and FROG cheer : God of the City , Pharoah, Pharoah, and ?? something??

Game: Red Rover, Red Rover

Memory Verse: Nothing is impossible for God. Luke 1:37

We will have red fruit punch and red candy prizes today to stay with our theme of red.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 10th

Early Service: Chandra, Lisa & Harvey, Kevin
Late Service: Christy, Tim & Rhonda

Main Idea: Let's check out one of the great moms of the Bible.

Lesson: Since today is Mother’s Day, we will be looking at a few different moms in the Bible. It is important for us to honor our mom’s every chance we get. Our government thought it was important enough to give mom’s their own holiday. Should Mother’s Day be the only day we take time out to thank mom though? Why or why not? Let’s look at some mom’s in the Bible and see how they treated their children.

Read Exodus 1: 15-2: 10
Discussion Questions:
1. Why did Pharaoh order all the male babies killed?
2. Did the midwives obey him? Why not?
3. How did Moses’ mother show her love for him?
4. What do you think might have happened if she got caught?
5. How did God honor Moses’ mother for loving him so much?

Memory Verse: "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12 NIV We will learn with a game.

Worship: On the March (Hillsong), Superstrong God (Hillsong)

Game: hula chain (if enough kids),

Craft: We will have the kids make a take home craft for their mom. TBA

Saturday, May 2, 2009

May 3rd

Early Service: Christy, Lisa & Harvey
Late Service: Chandra, Kevin, Melissa, Rhonda & Tim

Main Idea: Day of Pentecost *(We will have fun with things from the 50's today since pentecost means 50.

Lesson: Day of Pentecost- Christy, Chandra

Game: bubble gum blowing contest, musical chairs (From the 50's)

Worship: Jumping for Joy (Deal or No Deal Deal DVD) and Get Up and Dance (Hillsong) here are the motions for this one

If you are working today and want to dress from the 50's, go for it!